Monday, January 27, 2020

C Y B E R W Y Z E Celebrates 2020 Data Privacy Day (January 28th)

Data Privacy Day (DPD) is an international effort held annually on January 28th to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data, and enabling trust. Data Privacy Day spotlights the value of information and how to “Own Your Privacy”.

Privacy and protecting personal information is highly important to Cyberwyze. One thing we encourage digital users to do is to visit to learn how to update privacy settings on all their devices.  In recognition of the day, as a Data Privacy Day Champion organization, Cyberwyze is creating awareness by sharing some powerful tips to help individuals, communities, and organizations stay safe online and offline, globally.

Data Privacy Day Champions represent those dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to better manage privacy and protect data. Cyberwyze works in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Alliance to disseminate information to help digital users and their families, friends, communities, and organizations to be cyberwyze.

Be C y b e r w y z e!